Monday, June 4, 2007

If you like fun and adventure, Idaho is the place for you.

Bordering states: Utah, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Wyoming, Montana.

Capital: Boise

Population: 1,393,300 people

Area: 82,413 Square Miles

Statehood: July 3, 1890

Products/Agriculture: Potatoes, silver, zinc, lead, wood, hay, sugar beats, wheat, barley, farming, and mining.

Geography: Towering mountains, long swift rivers, steep waterfalls, evergreen forests, and unbelievable canyons.

Tourism: National parks, ski resorts, hunting, and fishing.

Famous People: Moses Alexander, William Borah, Gutzon Borglum, Frank Church, and Ezra Pound

State Motto: Let It Be Perpetual

State Song: “Here We Have Idaho”

State Flower: Idaho Syringa

State Bird: Mountain Bluebird

State Tree: White Pine

State Insect: Monarch Butterfly

State Dance: Square Dance

State Gem: Idaho Star Garnet

State Soil: Threebear

Highest Point: Borah Peak 12,662 feet

Lowest Point: 770 Ft. above Sea Level

Principal River: Snake River

Interesting Fact: Idaho produces the most potatoes in the U.S., and there is potato ice cream.

1 comment:

ustravelers said...

Super job Grant! I love your pictures (especially Mr. Potato Head). You visit ID often, don't you?
-Miss Hesse